The God of High School 1x6


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The national God of High School tournament will be a team battle between teams formed from the top three participants in each regional preliminary. Mira wins the battle for third place, meaning she will compete in the nationals with Mori and Daewi. Mujin explains to the other administrators that this is all part of the search for the one with the potential to be the "Key." At the same time, Mujin puts out a call to The Six, a group of extraordinarily powerful fighters, in order to deal with Nox, another organization searching for the Key.
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24m 2020 523 lecturas

The God of High School
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Suscripción Netflix Standar (Garantía 1 Año)
Suscripción Netflix Standar (Garantía 1 Año)
Comentarios 1

  • ivakiba - 13 febrero, 2023

    y la radiacion qué onda? … todos inmunes o qué pedo? xD